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Bake some yummy biscuits!

Bake yummy honey biscuits!

There are so many ways to enjoy the delicious honey that bees work hard to make. We can drizzle it on toast, pancakes, cereal, and even add it to tea. It’s also perfect to bake with, adding sugary sweetness to any recipe! Today, we’re going to have a go at baking some biscuits using this magical ingredient…

Bake some yummy biscuits!

Ingredients and Equipment
To make 30 honey biscuits you’ll need: 

  • 100g soft butter

  • 100g sugar

  • 180g self-raising flour

  • 1 heaped tablespoon of honey

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1 level teaspoon of cinnamon

  • Large bowl

  • Wooden spoon

  • Baking tray

Bake yummy honey biscuits!

Now it’s time to get baking!

Before you begin, pre-heat your oven to 175°C and grease your baking tray

  1. Cream the butter and sugar together in the bowl
  2. Beat in the honey and egg yolk
  3. Add the cinnamon and flour and mix into a soft dough
  4. Using a teaspoon, take small amounts of dough and roll them gently into balls with your hands
  5. Place the balls on your baking tray, making sure they aren’t too close to one another
  6. Cook for 10 minutes at 175°C
  7. Remove biscuits from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool
  8. Eat and enjoy!
Bake yummy honey biscuits!

How is honey made?

Honey is made by very special bees – honeybees! These bees fly to flowers and drink their nectar, storing it in a special pouch where it becomes sugar. The bees fly back to the hive with the sugar in their pouches, spit it into a honeycomb cell, and cover  it with wax. Then the warmth of the hive turns it into honey!

We’d love to see how your delicious honey biscuits turn out! Share a picture using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings. Don’t forget to tag us!

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