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Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

A rain gauge is another name for a container that measures how much water our gardens are getting naturally from the rain – you can also use it to collect extra water for your plants. Here we’ll show you how to make your own using simple materials you can find around the house

Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

To get started you'll need:

  • A clear plastic bottle (such as a plastic water or soda bottle) 

  • Scissors (ask an adult for help)

  • A ruler or measuring tape

  • A permanent marker or waterproof stickers

  • Decorative materials (optional): stickers, markers, or paint 

Let's get creative! 

Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

Step 1:

Find a clear plastic bottle to recycle – like a large water or soda bottle. Make sure it’s empty and clean 

Step 2:

Carefully remove any labels or stickers from the bottle, and with the help of an adult, use the scissors to cut off the top part of the bottle. You want to keep the bottom part to make the rain gauge 

Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

Step 3:

Using the ruler or measuring tape, measure from the bottom of the bottle up to about 10 or 15 centimetres. Ask an adult to help you mark the measurement lines with a permanent marker or waterproof stickers. These lines will help you measure the amount of rain 

Step 4:

If you'd like, you can decorate your rain gauge with stickers, markers, or paint. Make it colourful and fun!

Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

Step 5:

Find a good spot in your garden to place your rain gauge. Make sure it's in an open area where it can collect rainwater

Step 6:

Whenever it rains, go outside and check your rain gauge. Look at the water level inside the gauge and see how much rain has fallen

Make Your Own Recycled Rain Gauge

Step 7:

Keep a rain journal or notebook where you can record the date and the amount of rain you measured 

Step 8:

On dry days, use the water you collected to water the plants in your garden

Enjoy using your recycled rain gauge and have fun observing the rain!

Share photos of your watering adventure using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings and tag us. Bonus points if you snap your plants looking extra healthy!

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