To get started, you’ll need:
For a woodland reading den:
Long, straight branches or sticks
Twine or rope
Coverings such as blankets, sheets, dried leaves, and twigs
Cushions or mats to sit on
For a garden (or indoor den):
Chairs or garden furniture
Sheets or picnic blankets
Cushions or mats to sit on
Let’s get started:
Step 1:
If building a woodland reading den, make a frame by propping up your long sticks to create a tripod. If building a garden den, arrange your chairs so that the are spaced out, with their backs facing inward to the den. This will allow you to hang your coverings more easily.
Step 2:
Once the base of your den is secure, cover it with sheets and place the cushions inside. You can also use a low tree branch as a base and ask an adult to help you secure your rugs, so they hang down from the tree.
Step 3:
Make the inside of your reading den as cosy and nice as possible – you might want to bring a few books to choose from, a lovely drink, and – of course – some snacks!
Step 4:
If you build your den in the woods, be sure to carefully pack it all away and leave the space as you found it.
We’d love to see your reading dens! Don’t forget to take photos and tag us using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings
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