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Children’s Activities

Get ready to have lots of fun with your Little Seedlings using our collection of online garden activities for children. We’re here to help with lots of inspiration for you and your family, including nurturing activities to connect them with plants, wildlife and the environment.  

We’ve got a growing list of indoor and outdoor gardening activities for children, and we update it every month. Whether you want your Little Seedling to learn how to plant seeds, grow their very own vegetables, or get crafty in the kitchen with yummy creations, we’ve got all that and more. We also have plenty of educational sheets on a range of topics, and lots of exciting challenges that you can get stuck into together.  

Come back each month to see our updated garden activities for those aged 4-10 years old. And we love seeing what your Little Seedlings get up to, so feel free to share your experiences with us on Facebook and Instagram using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings. 

Beyond the Secret Garden

Beyond the Secret Garden

Learn all about stories with important plants, how to make invisible ink and how to build a reading den.

Grow your own tomatoes

Grow your own tomatoes

Learn all about tomatoes and how to grow & care for them. Growing tomatoes at home is simple and fun. You can even get them started on a windowsill, so don’t worry if you don’t have lots of space



Learn about houseplants, how to care for them, and how to decorate your indoor spaces with them

Seasonal garden gifts

Seasonal garden gifts

Learn all about the four seasons and what seasonal gifts can be created, such as a pine cone wreath and crafty Christmas cards!

Amazing autumn

Amazing autumn

Learn all about autumn, the unexpected guests that come indoors and how we can help hibernators

Mindfulness in the garden

Mindfulness in the garden

In our gardens, we can focus on breathing, look closely at objects, listen to sounds, and even taste some delicious foods 

Little Seedlings Planting & Growing

Little Seedlings Planting & Growing

When you plant a seed, it needs water, sunlight, the right temperature, air, and soil to get nutrients and grow out of the ground

Garden Creatures

Garden Creatures

Have you ever wondered about the fascinating creatures that live in your garden? Our gardens are home to thousands of different species of insect. Let’s take a closer look at just a few that you might find in your garden this summer 

Grow your own herbs

Grow your own herbs

This month, we’re learning all about herbs to celebrate National Children’s Gardening Week. This fun topic is based on a suggestion from one of our Little Seedlings Ambassadors!

Love your trees

Love your trees

This month, we’ll explore all kinds of trees, from the ones bursting with colour to the ones that stay green all year round

Wildlife friendly gardens

Wildlife friendly gardens

This month we’re diving into the world of wildlife friendly gardens


Grow your own soft fruits outdoors

This month, we’re learning all about the wonders of soft fruits and how to grow them outside

Grow your own potatoes

Grow your own potatoes

Today, we’re uncovering the secrets of what makes potatoes so amazing and how they grow. Did you know that potatoes have a very long history and come in all shapes and sizes?

Growing plants without soil

Growing plants without soil

This month, we're diving into the world of growing plants without soil, also known as ‘hydroponics’

Christmas gifts from the garden

Christmas gifts from the garden

There are so many amazing Christmas gifts we can forage from the garden at this time of year. Here we’ll explore all the different things we can observe and discover in nature during wintertime

Seed gathering in partnership with The Tree Council

Seed gathering in partnership with the tree council

This month we’re celebrating Seed Gathering Season with our nature-loving friends at The Tree Council. We’ll be learning all about super seeds and how important they are to our environment

Garden Sesnses

Garden Senses

By using our five senses in the garden, we can enjoy the wonders of nature and experience the magic of living things. Let’s discover more about our eyes, ears, taste, touch and nose and learn how we can use them to explore our gardens! 

Summer loving garden

Summer loving gardens

There are special summer loving plants and flowers that thrive in the sunshine and grow strong and tall. But remember, the heat of the sun can also make our plants tired, so it's important for us to take care of them. Together, let's explore the magic of our summer loving gardens!

Garden Watering

Garden watering

This month we’re learning all about how plants drink and use water to grow big and strong. We'll also explore why watering our gardens is so important and how we can all do our bit to be water wise in our own homes and gardens 


Bug watching

Bugs are fun to watch and they’re also very important to our ecosystems and our gardens. From the tiny ant to the magnificent butterfly, learn more about the brilliant bugs we can spot in the great outdoors

Creating a Bee Friendly Garden

Creating a Bee Friendly Garden

The buzzing of bees welcomes the beginning of warmer days and lighter nights. You’ve no doubt heard these flying insects bumbling around your garden during the spring and summer months, but what exactly do they look like? Well, let’s have a closer look…

Super Sunflowers

Super Sunflowers

Sunflowers are bright, cheerful flowers that are sure to add a splash of colour to any garden. March is the perfect time to plant sunflowers, so lets learn about what makes them so super


The wonder of weeds

Many people don’t class weeds as wonderful, but these wild plants are a lot more beautiful and useful than you may think. Let’s learn all about the wonder of weeds and how they spread their seeds


A new year in the garden

Welcome to 2023! A new year brings new beginnings and endless possibilities for your garden. Let’s discover how gardens change throughout the year and how you can prepare for the best gardening year yet


Garden Art

During autumn, gardens are full of colour and life!  But as we move into the colder months, our gardens can become bare and dull. So, why not create some eye-catching garden art to inject colour into your garden this winter?


Wonderfully wild birds

From the tops of the trees to our rivers and meadows, flying overhead or chirping in our gardens – wild birds are all around us. Let’s learn more about our feathery friends and what makes them so unique!

Grow your own fruits

From apples and oranges to berries and bananas, nothing beats the taste of fresh fruit. And there’s no fresher way to enjoy these tasty treats than from your very own garden! Let’s learn more about how fruit is grown and where.


Wonderful Wildflowers

During summer you’ll see lots of colourful wildflowers in meadows, parks and even by the side of the road. Let’s have a closer look at these important blossoms and find out exactly why they’re so wonderful

MAgnificent Microgreens

Magnificent Microgreens

Microgreens are little vegetables that are harvested just a week or two after seeding. There are over 100 varieties, including plants like red cabbage, spinach, coriander, broccoli and beetroot

Peter Rabbit


Time flies when you’re having fun. And Peter Rabbit has been having a ball for the last 120 years!

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Whether you’re planting flowers, or some tasty fruit and veg, looking
after them is very important



As you start to consider what to grow in your garden we cover one of the most popular choices the tomato, and look at why everyone loves them so much.

Little seedlings strawberry card images

Amazing strawberries

Take a look at the strawberry and discover how to grow, look after, and pick them, as well as looking at some ways home-grown strawberries can be used in food and drink

growing indoors

Growing Indoors

Take a look at some of the plants that can be successfully grown indoors at this time of year and how they can be helpful in the kitchen and elsewhere

houseplants illustration

Let's Talk Houseplants

Celebrate Houseplant Appreciation Day on 10th January and discover the benefits of bringing nature inside.


Activity advent calendar

We’ve got 24 days of fun activities you can take part in over December. Come back each day for the new activity.

preparing for spring

Preparing for spring

The colder weather is here, and our gardens are much quieter, but there are still lots of ways to stay busy in the garden.

Little Seedlings October

Autumn Colours

Now that autumn is here, there are lots of changes in our gardens, and lots of new colours to discover!


Recycling Week

Recycling Week is 20th to 26th September, so we have created activities to help you look after the environment and have fun in the garden.


National Allotment Week

The month of August brings us National Allotment Week! Let's find out more about growing your own this summer.


Its National Picnic Month

Pack up your picnic basket and head out to your local park or beauty spot!

Little Seedlings

National Children’s Gardening Week

Get your Little Seedlings excited about gardening with our range of fun activities and challenges.

Little Seedlings

Garden Fun

A range of gardening and wildlife activity sheets, have fun while learning about the garden

Little Seedlings

Grow Your Own Vegetables

From potatoes to onions, discover all you need to know about growing your own vegetables

Little Seedlings


Discover a range of Easter activities and how tos, perfect for your Easter bunnies