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Garden Watering Adventure

Garden Watering Adventure

Ready to be a plant superhero? Follow these steps to explore your garden and help give thirsty plants the water they need to thrive

Garden Watering Adventure

To get started you'll need:

  • A watering can or a water spray bottle 

  • Optional: A small shovel or garden trowel (for exploring the soil)

Let's go for a garden watering adventure! 

Garden Watering Adventure

Step 1:

Find a watering can or a water spray bottle – choose the one you like best 

Step 2:

Explore your garden and look for plants that might be feeling thirsty and need some water 

Garden Watering Adventure

Step 3:

Identify thirsty plants – notice if the soil around them looks dry and cracked, or if they have droopy leaves and flowers 

Step 4:

Now it's time to give those plants a drink! Use your watering can or water spray bottle, stand close to the plant and gently pour water at the base of the plant or spray it on the leaves

Garden Watering Adventure

Step 5:

Dig and Discover (optional) – If you have a small shovel or garden trowel, you can explore the soil around the plants. Dig a little bit and see if the soil feels moist or dry. Plants like moist soil to grow strong 

Have fun taking care of your plants and seeing how they grow! 

Share photos of your watering adventure using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings and tag us. Bonus points if you snap your plants looking extra healthy!

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