To get started, you’ll need:
- Binoculars
- Pen/Pencils
- Paper/Notebook
Step 1: Get outdoors
- Whether it’s your own back garden, your local park or nearby
nature reserve – birdwatching really can be done anywhere!
If you’re heading away from home, take an adult with you on
your adventures
Step 2: Listen out, look around
- It's amazing what you can notice when you stop still and stay
quiet. In even the quietest of nature spots, there are so many
sounds and sights to take in - Look all around you and see how many birds you can spot just
with your eyes and ears!
- Got your binoculars handy? You might need an adult to help you find your focus first
- Use them to see faraway birds close up, and notice the smaller details you might have missed
Step 4: Write it all down
- Use our fact sheet to name the birds you see, or simply describe what they look like
- Note down anything you can think of. It can be helpful to start with questions like: What colour are they? How big are they? Where are they? What are they doing? Soon you’ll recognise
more and more birds when you’re out and about
Did you have fun birdwatching? Take a picture of your adventure and share it with us by using #DobbiesLittleSeedlings and tagging us
Instagram: @dobbiesgardencentres
Facebook: @DobbiesGC
Twitter: @dobbies